New Year, New You

Today marks the 1st day of a new year- 2024. How time flies by! There is finally snow on the ground and it’s starting to actually feel like Winter. Continuing on the topic of transformation and change, I thought I would share some thoughts that may resonate with people. As you are aware, I am a Social Worker & Entrepreneur. My private practice is young, but I have over 10+ years of experience working with individuals experiencing several mental health concerns (ranging from mild to severe). In 2023, I decided to transition to private practice from working predominately in the community mental health sector. I am still learning a lot about how to successfully operate a business and ways to market myself. One of the things I wanted to reflect on was the concept of medication.

Medication as prescribed by a physician is very personal to the individual. As a psychotherapist I specialize in talk therapy which may or may not be in conjunction with requiring medication (depending on the client circumstances). Something I have developed a greater appreciation for is the complex process of tapering off medications once someone is ready and it’s warranted. There are withdrawal effects that need to be considered. I believe that when you start a new medication, it is important to consider inquiring with your family physician the frequency, duration and side effect profile including tapering processes in the future if warranted. Now, I know that for some folks medication will be life-long due to the chronic nature of some conditions. However, for mild to moderate mental illnesses such as anxiety or depression, the causal factors are more complex. Taking a pill in the hopes that your symptoms will subside may do that, however exploring the root causes as well as perpetuating factors will help you in the longer term.

Stress, trauma and interpersonal relationships impact our brain. Studies have proven this through neuroscience. Trauma impacts our brain and so does healing from it. Finding the right therapist to explore this is crucial. Pacing, depth and tools needed to process and make sense out of the painful memories and their impact are ways that therapy can assist. You discover patterns in how you relate to people as well as ways that you may be repeating patterns that make it more likely of veering further away from authenticity. Healing from trauma is a process and nervous system healing requires patience, kindness & vulnerability. We thus allow ourselves and our pain to be seen, heard & validated and ultimately for us to be freed of its negative cycles.

2024 is going to be a year of growth for many. A year of great change and expansion. You were not meant to be small in your impact in this world. Everyday find at least 1 thing that brings you a sense of accomplishment. Everyday try and create small steps towards cultivating greater healthy habits. One such habit I am going to put more effort into maintaining is my exercise routine. I prefer using the stationary bicycle and may explore going to a gym in the future perhaps. Exercise, as I have mentioned before does not need to be grand. Even dancing to music is great for our mental health. You could start with finding a good playlist and moving your body to get natural neurotransmitters like Dopamine, Serotonin and Epinephrine going. Trust me, if you love music, the movement can follow if you allow it!

2024 is also going to be a time that I will slowly start getting back into creating canvas based art again. My last painting was done in 2022, with sketches following predominately. Since I work on canvas with acrylics I have all the supplies, I just need to find the spark. Perhaps the process of waiting for “the spark” will not happen, and instead sketching first and translating that to a canvas may be the way I proceed. If you are so inclined to find happiness, finding a new way to discover that is what creativity is all about. Blockages are real and moving through them may take time. But, learning about what holds you back is just as important. I am also taking drumming lessons which has also been so much fun! I recently had sheet music adapted for my learning style by consulting with a music therapist which really helped too!

I want you to find your meaning in 2024 and be content with where you are in your life. If you need to challenge yourself know that you have everything within you to do the hard bits. The rest you will figure out with support and learning more about your journey. If you need support to help implement your goals, contact me. I’d be happy to help you make 2024 a year of development and personal bests!

Sara de Souza, MSW, RSW

Individual & Couples Therapist


Dealing with conflict

